Features that got my interest:
- code snippets panel(frequently used code - similar to the old flash simple mode in old versions of Flash that people have complained about disappearing for years!)
- code hinting(although I´ll probably keep using FlashDevelop)
- FLA format is now an open format XML based file (with extension XFL) with all media external.
- Font embedding panel - embedded fonts can be managed more easily
- TLF text - a new text layout format which allows columns more easily(with editable text too!)
- Multitouch event handling(if your hardware can handle it of course!)
- Access to microphone data(turn your voice into darth vader apps coming up!)
- Uncaught error event - Finally you don´t have to ensure you are catching every error possible to avoid the user ever getting a Flash uncaugh error message.
- AIR - open a filetype with the default app
- AIR - Filemanager API can now catch volume state change events(i.e. if the user plugs in a hard drive)
- BUT of course! The feature that everyone talking and every question from the audience was about, was that Flash now has a feature to publish apps for the IPhone! No IPhone still doesn´t have a Flash Player, Flash packages for a native IPhone runtime. And the answer to almost every question about ´can the iphone apps do this´and ´can the iphone apps do that´was yes, it can do everything that the Flash player can do!(with the caveat that you just have to consider that performance might be worse on the Iphone)